1) Message boards : Number crunching : Results discrepancies (Message 25513)
Posted 27 Mar 2013 by Ravens
I concur Toby - it's worth it.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Results discrepancies (Message 25508)
Posted 25 Mar 2013 by Ravens
If re-running the study will improve the science, I don't consider it 'wasting' my CPU time. I'm in!
3) Message boards : News : Forum restrictions (Message 25446)
Posted 15 Feb 2013 by Ravens
That's a great solution - who knows - maybe the spambots will start crunching now too!
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Who hoards the wu's? (Message 25392)
Posted 11 Feb 2013 by Ravens
Dagorath - Must be lonely for you being the only smart person in the world.
Getting all huffy about WU's on this is such a first world problem.
5) Message boards : LHC@home Science : why are you going to slaughter us all, scientists? (Message 19246)
Posted 16 Mar 2008 by Ravens
if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

Spock, you do realize that right at this moment particles slam into our upper atmosphere with energies far beyond what the LHC will be capable to produce?
Now, where are all those trillions of micro black holes that were produced since the existence of this planet?

As you have given you this name, at least try a little logical reasoning!

It is all logical though. For all those that wonder - with all those stars out there why is the night sky not a bright dome of light? It's because of those black holes produced when particles slam into the upper atmosphere. They blot out most of the light.
And why in patterns, why the constellations? Our lives are all ruled by astrology, and the resulting psychic energies project into space, distorting it to show those patterns. The Hubble telescope, beyond most of those mini-black holes, does see way more stars, but not far enough to see them all.
Spacecraft have sent images back from further out, unfortunatly we only see those after a small group of scientists filter and edit them.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Whoo-Hoo... W-Uuu's (Message 19039)
Posted 21 Feb 2008 by Ravens
Another bag of fun, but I got a mixed bag - two tasks with 10 hours to completion, and four with 1 hour to completion.
7) Message boards : LHC@home Science : why are you going to slaughter us all, scientists? (Message 18817)
Posted 6 Jan 2008 by Ravens
if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

No, thank YOU for brightening up my day with this delightful troll. I'm still chuckling.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Please increase our daily machine quota (Message 18115)
Posted 13 Oct 2007 by Ravens

If they increase the quota again, dont make it more than 5.

Well... I really hope you meant 5 per hour ... ;)

I'm happy even with the 2/day we have now. Under the old rules, I'd rarely get any WU's before they were snapped up. And then would read complaints from those that only got 50. Now I have some WU's chugging away for LHC, along with my other projects I'm part of.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Happenings... (Message 18061)
Posted 12 Oct 2007 by Ravens
Glad to hear of more users coming on board now, and also more projects sometime in the future. As we all know, an issue with LHC has been that when WU's do come out, they get snapped up quick by only a few. I would hope that with more users, there is better sharing of WU's.
I did notice mention of a temporary measure to spread these current WU's around - I would suggest some form of this stay in place permanently. Otherwise all these keen new UK users will sign up, get a couple of WU's in this batch, and then wait (and complain) for months, hoping to catch more WU's.

And yes - I did get a WU - woohoo.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Did I miss something? (Message 17891)
Posted 14 Sep 2007 by Ravens
Now you see 'em... now you don't. Y'all must have sneezed or something and missed out. :)

Thanks for the chart - I looked at my LHC message log - looks like my system was in one of it's 2 1/2 hour peiods of "deferring communication, no work from project".
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Did I miss something? (Message 17875)
Posted 13 Sep 2007 by Ravens
Yes you did - lots of people did I think.
Then there are the ones that say they "only" got 80 WU's - sheesh!
12) Message boards : Number crunching : work units?? (Message 17851)
Posted 13 Sep 2007 by Ravens
I leave my system always online, but missed all the WU's - again. It's depressing.
System looks for work, finds none, so progressively sets longer intervals before looking again. Gets to up to 2 1/2 hours, these long intervals pretty well ensure I will miss any avail batches of data.
I've got network connect set for 4 days, LHC at 47% resource use, 1.4GHz Pentium, run Rosetta mostly while waiting.
Any ideas on what to change to shorten those long intervals bewteen connections to LHC? Thanks - Mike
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Maximum daily WU quota per CPU? (Message 17634)
Posted 30 Jul 2007 by Ravens

The connect interval determines your cache level. i.e. how many days work is stored on your comp. The higher the number the more wu's you will get. BUT be careful you don't get too many and start missing deadlines in other projects. Personally mine is set to 0.1, but I am on always connected broadband internet.

Only having 30% usage set will also reduce how much work your comp gets. If you use the machine for other intensive tasks then 30% is probably reasonable but I have two laptops which I just let run at 100%. One of them has been doing BOINC for over three years now with very few problems.

I had run BOINC at 100% a while ago, fan ran 100% and it burned out after a few weeks. Was only a couple of years old, luckily still under warranty then, but is not now - so I won't take the chance.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Maximum daily WU quota per CPU? (Message 17631)
Posted 30 Jul 2007 by Ravens
I left my PC running and picked up only two WU's in the last batch, about 6 hrs ago. They both have a complete deadline of Aug 8th.
Two is good - four would be more good!
I'm set for network connect every 1 days - although is usually online for most of the day. For more WU's should this be .1 day? 5 days?
I've an Intel 1.6GHz, it's in a Toshiba laptop so I run only at 30% CPU useage to minimize overheating. Is this what's limiting how many WU's I get?
The WU currently running is at 49% complete so far.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Because you asked.... (Message 16768)
Posted 29 Apr 2007 by Ravens
It has been another two weeks and I'm sorry about the silence. Sadly we've had some hiccups with the systems we work on that are not BOINC (as I've explained we are not on BOINC full time, not even close) and that has meant this project was out on the backburner and I apologise for that. Also it's the start of conference season so between attending and organising things where you learn a lot but get nothing done it has slipped again.

I will get a fuller update to you when I can but at least some WUs went up recently.

It has been over a month with nothing but silence. Can we get an update as to the status and maybe a addition to the news on the home page?

I suspect people want more than just an update.

Nope, all I would like is an update. The rest of it is fully understood.

That's easy then - "Nothing new to report". ;-)
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Because you asked.... (Message 16765)
Posted 29 Apr 2007 by Ravens
It has been another two weeks and I'm sorry about the silence. Sadly we've had some hiccups with the systems we work on that are not BOINC (as I've explained we are not on BOINC full time, not even close) and that has meant this project was out on the backburner and I apologise for that. Also it's the start of conference season so between attending and organising things where you learn a lot but get nothing done it has slipped again.

I will get a fuller update to you when I can but at least some WUs went up recently.

It has been over a month with nothing but silence. Can we get an update as to the status and maybe a addition to the news on the home page?

I suspect people want more than just an update. As explained above, the team has chosen to be busy with higher priority things- other systems, conferences. So a weekly update might be "Nothing new to report", for week after week. Then I suspect the pressure in here would be to get more done, to accept more help. But it's not always easy to accept new unknown programmers on a project - that takes time to do.
It's a free world here - if people get fed up with the project they will go elsewhere -there are many others to choose from. Once LHC gets up and running, there may be enough left, or new ones may join, or the consequence may be that there are not enough participants to make it worth while.
Some in here seem to feel that since they are so willing to be generous with their time and systems to do the crunching, they then have the right to go on and on about problems and changes they want to see, the project now owes them something. They have long past the point of constructive criticism. Perhaps they should stop whining - either leave LHC in the background to pick up what it can, or move on, go for a walk, stop stressing.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Gone in a flash! (Message 16751)
Posted 28 Apr 2007 by Ravens
I got 19 from this batch, and I thought that wasn't alot. They were all gone within an hour of when my computer began downloading the ones I got. I see in the results history that I've gotten a couple of others this month that I was completely unaware of.

You're pretty brave admitting you got 19. I got two- is there a particular setting to help this? My network usage/work cache is set to 1 day - is 5 better to encourage more WU's?
18) Message boards : LHC@home Science : Future will duplicate right matter (Message 16658)
Posted 2 Apr 2007 by Ravens
Matter is chemistry and energy combined. If translate right the matter you can duplicate in the future or compressed to the ADN or ARN

Is this a secret message? What is the ADN or ARN?
19) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Massive Censorship at Predictor Boards! (Message 16609)
Posted 24 Mar 2007 by Ravens
OK - as requested, I have formed an opinion on this.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Fairer distribuiton of work(Flame Fest 2007) (Message 16560)
Posted 15 Mar 2007 by Ravens
As I've understood Godwin's Law, intentional invocation generally does not cause a successful termination of the thread.

There are cases in which the intentions of the individual(s) are not known. Sometimes, it is not known even to the law invoker. Many trolls do not realize that they are, in fact, trolls. The line between conscious and unconscious intention is vague at best, and on the Internet... it's a blur.

See - once this thread became philosphical, the trolls all went back under the bridge and fell asleep.
With visions of sugarplums goose-stepping in their heads.

Next 20

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