Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 21387)
Posted 22 May 2009 by daemion Post:
I for one, second this notion. In spite of LHC notoriously great screen saver, it is still disabled on all my boxes and really should not hold up the release of new code. It\'s like not driving your Ferrari because the radio doesn\'t work. Who wants to listen to music when you can listen to the engine... |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 21290)
Posted 5 Mar 2009 by daemion Post: Wow, I am floored by the influx for information. Thank you very very much for taking the time to educate us crunchers as to the inner workings of CERN and LHC@HOME. Are these great students you refer to Alex and Neasan? |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Why no word from LHC
(Message 21209)
Posted 20 Feb 2009 by daemion Post: WOW....still now message or word....is it bankrupt,kaput! or??? Maybe its time to move on..... Nah its SNAFU, no need to worry. |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
No new tasks???
(Message 20853)
Posted 9 Dec 2008 by daemion Post: FYI the only reason we are getting work at all is due to the malfunction of the LHC. LHC@home helps design the collider NOT process the data gathered from the collisions and probably never will. The admins have stated numerous times that the data sets would be to large to distribute over the internet. They have purchased some supercomputers for that. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Is it possible to inform us..
(Message 20785)
Posted 18 Nov 2008 by daemion Post: I do not use an RSS feed. Instead, I suggest you place any batch of new workunits on hold and let them out gradually so that most volunteers can receive it. They already hold them back as Neasan said. Each host can only download 10 units a day and in my experience it takes a few polls of the server to reach the maximum number even if LHC@home\'s website has plenty of WU. This delay, in theory, allows for a greater opportunity for computers who are in a longer polling cycle to wake up and ask for work. If you still aren\'t getting WU there are other things you can try such as lowering the value for how often BOINC connects to the internet or the size or you cache. As for the forum, this is the updated version in all its glory. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Download problems?
(Message 19837)
Posted 28 Jul 2008 by daemion Post: Same here, two downloads stuck with a Http error. I wonder if any of the WU successfully downloaded |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
Maybe this will calm the crazies
(Message 19734)
Posted 23 Jun 2008 by daemion Post: The European Organization for Nuclear Research has issued its report on the potential dangers of LHC and has found most of the concerns baseless. BBC Article |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
why are you going to slaughter us all, scientists?
(Message 19686)
Posted 28 May 2008 by daemion Post: Stationary vs. Non-Stationary "quantum" black holes. It seems to me the experiment has probably already been done by Nature. In the billions of years the earth has been around you would have expected two cosmic rays to impact each other with a vector velocity that would allow the capture of the produced partials and or black hole by the gravitational field of the Earth. Just my 0.02 euro. Ahh yes but if these bozos knew the complexities of quantum physics thy wouldn't be making such ridiculous leaps of logic now would they? |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
(Message 19599)
Posted 8 May 2008 by daemion Post: LHC's myminicity has now reached the 10,000 population milestone! |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Answering of questions by LHC@home staff
(Message 19466)
Posted 17 Apr 2008 by daemion Post: I was wondering why I see numerous questions by people helping LHC@home that are ignored. Does the LHC@home staff consist of just two people? As a professional astronomer I can truely say that if my students or those who are helping in a research project didn't feel they could come up to me freely and ask a question pertaining to astronomy then they wouldn't be inspired to have astronomy or atro-physics as a major would they? Then perhaps it would be fortuitous to make some of these people "official" forum moderators. This would add weight to their already elaborate explanations, possibly reducing the amount of questions you would receive, as people would feel like they have received an official answer as opposed to just feeling blow off by LHC. For some strange reason some people insist on getting their information only from questions they themselves typed, ignoring previously stated answers to other people's questions, identical or otherwise. There are a number of active mods from other projects you might be able to con into the job. my 2 cents ps where in Canada is this work creation going on? Im in Canada and its not that big a country so im sure i can drop by and see what all the delay is "aboot". :) |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
why are you going to slaughter us all, scientists?
(Message 19323)
Posted 10 Apr 2008 by daemion Post: Our lives are all ruled by astrology, and the resulting psychic energies project into space, distorting it to show those patterns. Wow thats rich. Even my out of left field sister who is an astrologist doesn't believe that crap. And here I always believed that EM radiation gets absorbed or scattered by interstellar dust and gas, dark matter clouds etc nice try though |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
No work for this platform
(Message 19111)
Posted 27 Feb 2008 by daemion Post: Sorry, LHC doesn't support MAC at the moment. There has been talk about creating one in the future but, as is in most cases with LHC, patience is a virtue. On the bright side, there are numerous other projects that have taken the time to develop a MAC application so your computer cycles need not go to complete waste. |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
(Message 19073)
Posted 23 Feb 2008 by daemion Post: 100K wow, thats my dream. Nice work Magic. Its taken me since Dec 2006 to reach 20,000 and thats with a very large resource share for LHC. Hopefully the next 80,000 will come faster :) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
The new look bugs
(Message 18591)
Posted 12 Nov 2007 by daemion Post: On the login page, can the "keep me logged in" option be checked by default, please? This happened to me as well. After a few days it just went away on its own..... |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Overclocking?....Not! ;)
(Message 18166)
Posted 15 Oct 2007 by daemion Post: My Athlon 2800, which is OCed to about 3600, does fine on every project i have it working for. although i have noticed that if i try to play a game, when the cpu is currently crunching a LHC WU it inevitably causes it to error out. LHC is the only project that this happens for. so it seems that LHC WUs are a great stability test for your CPU. i had mine up to 3800, crunched away nicely until it got LHC WUs then it errored all of them. i dropped the clock and everything is back to normal, except when i play games of course :) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
work units??
(Message 17963)
Posted 22 Sep 2007 by daemion Post: I thought Dagorath was trying to sabotage the LHC servers by hammering them with requests to that they finally respond to why they won't change the IR from 5, to what he feels it should be, which is an IR of 3. this would, of course, lead to LESS work but hey.... |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Did I miss something?
(Message 17896)
Posted 14 Sep 2007 by daemion Post: Per-host per-day limit is probably quite high. here we go again....... |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
dear Neasan & Alex
(Message 17881)
Posted 14 Sep 2007 by daemion Post: Don't blame yourself; what he said indeed doesn't make much sense... FWIW this is the way i understood it as well |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
work units??
(Message 17858)
Posted 13 Sep 2007 by daemion Post: @ daeimon... how do u bump up u'r cache? Its pretty straightforward, go to "your account" page, then click on "general preferences." now you will need to know which preference setting you have your computers set to (--- or default, home, work, school. you can check this by looking at your individual host(s) from the "computers on this account" section of the "your account" page.) then simply modify the preference settings pertaining to the host you are concerned with under "connect to network about every" XXX days where XXX is the size of the cache you desire. a word of warning, if you crunch for projects that give you "extra" stats for being the first one to complete the WU (such as ABC) then a large cache won't work out well (as you will probably only confirm someone else's results.) on the other hand if you are attached to a project with stability issues (read nearly all projects) then a small cache might cause your PC to run out of WU for the duration of the outage (assuming of course you don't run more than one project.) HTH |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
work units??
(Message 17854)
Posted 13 Sep 2007 by daemion Post: I leave my system always online, but missed all the WU's - again. It's depressing. I don't believe there is a way to prevent BOINC from increasing the time it checks the server, its designed to prevent the various project's servers from being bombarded with pointless requests. i have found that by setting your network connect to something really small (i usually have it set to 0.01) then it checks it more regularly, especially when you are about to finish the WU you are currently on. Then when there actually are WU i temporarily bump my cache to 3 days lets say, then when the WUs are gone reset it to an uber low number so they upload as the finish. this way i usually get about one day of WU for each of my computers as BOINC NEVER gives me the correct amount of work my settings indicate. (eg. even when its set to 0.001 i still get 6 hours of WUs from the project.) people will probably hate me for this but thats how i got about 85 WU across my 5 comps, though one did not get any. it also helps that im a student who is usually hanging around his computer during the day :P :edited for the dreaded SP: |
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