1) Message boards : Cafe LHC : news from orbit@home (Message 9109)
Posted 2 Aug 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
It seems like it's a small part of the total workload. And, hey, I'd want to know if my home town was about to be blinked out of existance due to a NEO.

> The project sounds absolutely ludicrous. Why would anyone want do a project
> about NEO colliding with Earth? Thats sounds crazy but then again i'll
> probably do it. Going to sign up for it has soon has they open up the account
> creation.

Red Sox Nation
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Results of LHC@Home (Message 9030)
Posted 29 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
Also check sites like BOINCStats.com to see how much total computation has been done. I have no affiliation with them, other than using their site to check the stats of each project.

> Look [url=http://lhcathome.cern.ch/forum_thread.php?id=1511]here.<a>
3) Message boards : Cafe LHC : news from orbit@home (Message 8950)
Posted 26 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
> July 5, 2005
> Orbit@home status update: we didn't manage to fix the few website problems
> still around, and we didn't write the intro page yet. The main reason for this
> is that we're using all of our very limited resources to try to get orbit@home
> funded. This first funding wave will end on July 22. After that, a preliminary
> application and some work units should be available shortly. The subscription
> phase ended one week after the orbit@home website launch, and for the alpha
> phase we can count on 1036 users and about 1400 computers, with about [55%
> Intel, 43% AMD, 2% PPC], [92% Windows, 6% Linux, 2% Darwin] and [78% 1-CPU,
> 20% 2-CPUs, 2% 4-CPUs or more].

Any new updates? We'd love to hear more!!!

David Thompson: Law for Aerospace, Engineering, Biology, and IP
4) Message boards : LHC@home Science : LHC - ATLAS .. now detecting Muons from Cosmic Storms. (Message 8948)
Posted 26 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
Thanks for the update! I'm really happy to hear that our hard work isn't disappearing into the ether!

> Cool. It's neat to see "our project" in progress!
> and thank you for that article.
> > "First 'data' from LHC
> >
> > Alison Wright
> > Abstract
> >
> > Components installed for the ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron
> Collider
> > report their first signals — not yet the Higgs boson, but the
> tell-tale
> > tracks of cosmic muons. ..."
> >
> > more in article.
> > <a>
> href="http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/nprelaunch/full/nphys005.html">
> > http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/nprelaunch/full/nphys005.html
> [/url]
5) Message boards : Number crunching : only 10 k WU's left (Message 8947)
Posted 26 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
Phew! Good to know that the LHC people are churning out work as fast as we can process it!

> > > 88799. Guess we're good for another week or so. :-)
> > >
> > breaking the 100.000 mark now
> >
> 125K+ now.
> I like this project.

David Thompson: Law for Aerospace, Engineering, Biology, and IP
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Where is everyone (Message 8946)
Posted 26 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
I love the fun toys that BOINC provides like that. Buggy at times, but a ton of fun to look at.

> > Take a look at the LHC@home user map (<a>
> href="http://lhcathome.cern.ch/user_map.png">here[/url])
> >
> > I want to know who's just off the coast of west Africa!
> >
> >
> >
> Now take another look and
> tell me where are all European users.

David Thompson: Law for Aerospace, Engineering, Biology, and IP
7) Message boards : Number crunching : This guy really needs to check his computer, or overclock less... (Message 8945)
Posted 26 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
> http://lhcathome.cern.ch/show_host_detail.php?hostid=38738
> What a waste of time and energy for this crap, these people ever notice? I
> usually (in winter) overclock my computers insanely (reletively) and always
> make sure they perform properly.

Hopefully as LHC and BOINC grow there will be updates to how work is distributed. They faced a similar situation with SETI@Home wherein some WUs could not be downloaded at all, and other WUs could not be downloaded by certain client versions (namely old ones). They corrected it by adding a WU rate limiter and cancelling some WUs that repeatedly failed. That exact fix won't work here, but hopefully it gives some ideas.

8) Message boards : Team invites : Sig Test (Message 8573)
Posted 15 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
> Ok.. this time...
> (enters the checkbox in forum preferences)

Sig test for me as well.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : What is the screen saver? (Message 8572)
Posted 15 Jul 2005 by Profile David C Thompson
> It's kind of show of protons going through the accelerator tunnel, but in
> reality it has nothing to do with the actual simulation. We have plans to show
> details about the actual simulation but they are still in the design phase.

Very cool. It'd be great if future versions could show some subset of protons (randomly selected maybe) in what the tunnel actually looked like! :)

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