1) Message boards : Number crunching : LHC still requires Boinc 4.45? (Message 12573)
Posted 30 Jan 2006 by Robert Nelson
I upgraded to 5.2.13 and still have loads of Ghost Work Units. Any suggestions on how to get these little bastards under control?

Other than upgrading to a 5.x.x version there is not much the participant can do about ghost workunits. The other fixes for this problem require action from the project.

LHC definetly has problems in the ghost work unit area. Running 5.2.13 or later on all computers and for the most part rarely see a ghost unit on other projects, except for LHC. I noticed that ghosts seem to like either HT or dual processor machines, don't know if that may help the code folks. I understand that there was some sort of handshake that needs to be implemented at the project to make these go away, understand Einstein did that. Looks like it is needed here.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Host corruption solved? (Message 11036)
Posted 26 Oct 2005 by Robert Nelson
Your fix corrected the host information on a host that had corrupted over night prior to your fix. However, the host location did not update from the corrupted value of 0 (the other information was ok) reset the host location to the location I desired for that host and will now watch and see if it holds.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : When will LHC upgrade so we can use 5.2.2 ? (Message 10984)
Posted 25 Oct 2005 by Robert Nelson
So far, so good! :-D

THANKS folks I know that you put in some long hours on this one, everything seems to be running fine from a crunching point of view from this end. Did have 2 hosts on the LHC server that corrupted over night, using fix of updating (home/work/school)(see other thread) from a corrupted value of 0 and than doing a forced user update from the host was able to fix back to normal. All work units have gone through without a hitch and appear to be getting credit properly. Its good to be running LHC again.
4) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Welcome New LHC@Home Crunchers (Message 8624)
Posted 17 Jul 2005 by Robert Nelson
Hello to everyone.

Thanks for opening up again, like the others had been watching and waiting for quite a while and had pretty much given up hope that it would ever open. As it was got in here very shortly after the door opened. Great project and hope my little contribution will aid in the science going on over there. Thanks again and happy crunching.

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