21) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any tasks, though many are available (Message 42220)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug
Hi all,

I suspended all my other BOINC projects and Updated lhc@home, and immediately got 16 new tasks, 8 ATLAS and 8 Theory. I've got 1 Theory task running now, and so far, so good.

I do notice that all of the ATLAS tasks say "Ready to start (4 CPUs)". I assume that means (as I remember it did with cosmology@home) that it will use all 4 cores to run 1 task. I had that issue with cosmology@home - I don't want all the cores being monopolized by 1 Task/project. I was able to fix that for cosmology by creating an app_config.xml and setting "<max_concurrent>" and "<avg_ncpus>". Is it possible to do the same thing for the ATLAS app in lhc@home? If so, what would the exact "<app_name>" be?

I also agree with the other posters here who suggested adding additional help/info to the LHC preferences to explain what the "Run native if available" option is and what to set it to for various OSs, especially if it is going to be set "true" by default (which it seems to be - I don't remember setting it).

Thanks again to all here for all the help.

22) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any tasks, though many are available (Message 42219)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug
Done. I'll wait and see if I get any more tasks.


23) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any tasks, though many are available (Message 42215)
Posted 17 Apr 2020 by doug
Hi computerzrmle,

I do have "Run native if available" checked. Can you explain how that is relevant to me not getting work?


24) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any tasks, though many are available (Message 42210)
Posted 17 Apr 2020 by doug
Hi maeax,

My apologies. I didn't fully specify my setup. Also, I just set my computer to show on the site.

I have the latest BOINC and Virtual Box combo installed (BOINC 7.16.5), as of a week or so ago when that upgrade became available on the BOINC site. I've run another Virtual Box project, cosmology@home, for years. I don't think that is my problem.

As of right now, the Server Status page is showing 1311 Theory tasks and 2418 ATLAS tasks as "unsent". I'm still wondering wny I'm not getting any of those. The BOINC Event Log just shows:

"No tasks sent
Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
Project requested delay of 6 seconds"


25) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any tasks, though many are available (Message 42208)
Posted 17 Apr 2020 by doug

I haven't been getting any work from lhc@home for the last nearly week or so, even though the Server Status page has pretty consistently shown 3000+ "Tasks ready to send". I have all apps selected in my preferences. Windows 10, Intel Core i5-3470 with 16GB memory, 4 cores.

When I first joined lhc@home a few weeks ago, I periodically got a few tasks and worked them off (though the BOINC-estimated times for the tasks were way off). But now I'm just not getting any tasks. I've even suspended all my other projects before doing an Update (which usually works with other projects), but that didn't get my any tasks either.

Is it possible that, though there are plenty of new tasks, that none of them are for Windows/Intel machines? If not, why am I not getting new work?



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