Message boards :
Sixtrack Application :
Inconclusive results
(Message 34739)
Posted 27 Mar 2018 by JugNut Post: Agreed.. I restarted crunching here a few days ago and already I have 87 Validation inconclusive from 5 PC's. So far I have no errors or invalids. Also most of the other wingman involved seem to reliable hosts that have little if any invalids or errors as well, so i'm wondering whats going on? Anyone else seeing this? |
Message boards :
Sixtrack Application :
Transfer issues
(Message 33664)
Posted 5 Jan 2018 by JugNut Post: Yep same here, yesterday I had three of my WU's pass deadline and now have the same status as yours.(Timed out - no response) I also have another six that will presumably end in the same manner, so far I haven't seen any WU's upload successfully after getting the dreaded "locked by file_upload_handler PID=-1" message. What a waste. If the partial cached upload are the fly in the ointment? Then, does anyone know how to hack the client state so that the WU is seen as new upload again? I did try a couple of things myself but my edits didn't work as planned and were ignored.:( |
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