1) Message boards : Number crunching : Waiting on Linux App (Message 22639)
Posted 11 Dec 2010 by Profile MalX
This is soul destroying. I see the server is sending out workunits, and yet I am not allowed any because I use Linux. Poor call.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Waiting on Linux App (Message 22638)
Posted 9 Dec 2010 by Profile MalX
Add me to the list of penguins (gentoo I might add) who awaits a Linux app. We feel abandoned.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Good things come to those who wait. (Message 17068)
Posted 20 Jun 2007 by Profile MalX

Alex and Neasan,

Congratulations on what appears to be a successful migration to Queen Mary. Keep up the good work! We are thankful for tiny steps and remain patiently at your disposal.

That's what I say too. Well done guys.
4) Message boards : Cafe LHC : no work units ? (Message 17067)
Posted 20 Jun 2007 by Profile MalX

I have no Work units from LCH since Dezember 06 ?
Wats the Prob?

greetings from Robert

It happens.

You will get some eventually.

You have to be in the right place at the right time.

5) Message boards : Cafe LHC : A useful idea? (Message 17066)
Posted 20 Jun 2007 by Profile MalX
I wouldn't support this idea. While I do want more participants running BOINC based projects this sounds to much like the behavior of a virus.

I disagree keck, as Vista is rolled out and faster processors become available, PC's CAN cope with number crunching in the name of science.

This newer faster technology means todays home computer is quite capable (without freezing up).

I don't see any reason why Microsoft shouldn't support such a "service". (With the option to enable or disable)

In fact, every educational establishment in the world should support the cause.

It's easy to implement, and I think, what with such establishments being funded by government anyway, 'governments' in the name of 'science' would discover what they are 'looking for' sooner rather than later.

Forgive the wording, I aint as clever as you guys, but I think you catch my drift.
6) Message boards : Cafe LHC : BOINC users on last.fm (Message 17065)
Posted 20 Jun 2007 by Profile MalX
As a little explanation for poeple who might not know what last.fm is about...

About Last.fm

Last.fm is the flagship product from the team that designed the Audioscrobbler music engine. More than ten million times a day, Last.fm users "scrobble" their tracks to our servers, helping to collectively build the world's largest social music platform.

Last.fm taps the wisdom of the crowds, leveraging each user's musical profile to make personalised recommendations, connect users who share similar tastes, provide custom radio streams, and much more.

Founded by Felix Miller, Martin Stiksel and Richard Jones, we are a London-based company with a music-obsessed team of developers and creative professionals from around the world.

It's never been this easy to share your taste and discover new music. Welcome to the social music revolution.

This sounds like an ad to me.

It might sound like an ad but it aint.
I am also a member of last.fm
There are many websites now linking to last.fm, as it is quite funky and another cool way of linking people together who have the same interests.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Gone in a flash! (Message 17064)
Posted 20 Jun 2007 by Profile MalX
Consider yourselves lucky, I've had nowt for nearly six months.
8) Message boards : LHC@home Science : LHC group should lobby the MUON1 screen saver people over to BOINC (Message 14322)
Posted 13 Jul 2006 by Profile MalX
The LHC group should lobby the MUON1 (nutreno reseach) screen saver people over to BOINC.

This could solve the LHC "work not avalable" problem.

MUON1 seems to be fully debugged -- just not fully compliant with BOINC technology.

The changeover to BOINC could be trival for MUON1.
The current X86-XP binary is under 250k.

CERN should provision the moveover to BOINC as BOINC is better than 'homebrew' setups for distributed computing.

BOINC's design flaws keep disappearing with new version upgrades -- albeit MAC and LINUX / UNIX versions are essentally free of overt design flaws.

Why should CERN do this? Why would they want to?

There is no LHC work not available "problem".

Geek - you need to think before you post.

Oh - and btw I looked at your web site. From what you have posted here I can't imagine why anyone would employ you.

Hey Mike - why are you being aggresive?

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