Message boards :
Sixtrack Application :
(Message 47826)
Posted 8 Mar 2023 by marmot Post: Received a batch of 38 XBoinc at the test server. They are 24 hours from deadline. Going to let them go past deadline and test if they error out from going over. None have completed on their own. 5 were aborted. They do not respond to a client call for shutdown, but they suspend properly. Not sure what work they are doing for 24 to72+ hours and if they were supposed to depend on a GPU CoProc. Here's my post there: https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/forum_thread.php?id=557&postid=7927 |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Atlas Simulation tasks stuck
(Message 44841)
Posted 29 Apr 2021 by marmot Post: I have a couple of these also. Found a solution. Suspend the WU manually in BOINC. Open VBox Manager and find the newly saved state ATLAS VM. Delete the saved state, Now the WU has to start over and the corrupt execution state is gone. Although, the credit was pitiful and, since the WU's started from scratch, would probably have been just as well to abort them. BUT, nothing new is learned unless you experiment. 314464634 162960124 22 Apr 2021, 11:19:02 UTC 28 Apr 2021, 19:06:30 UTC Completed and validated 497,012.25 553,831.60 265.24 ATLAS Simulation v2.00 (vbox64_mt_mcore_atlas) windows_x86_64 313918637 162691404 21 Apr 2021, 9:24:05 UTC 29 Apr 2021, 2:26:32 UTC Completed and validated 536,236.41 500,751.30 408.92 ATLAS Simulation v2.00 (vbox64_mt_mcore_atlas) windows_x86_64 |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Atlas Simulation tasks stuck
(Message 44840)
Posted 29 Apr 2021 by marmot Post: I have more than enough memory and 16 cores. I have traced this behavior to ATLAS job not saving it state properly. (There maybe other causes but this is certainly one). In BOINC advanced options, computing preferences, computing tab, set "switch between tasks every" to 9999 minutes so that ATLAS is never suspended when BOINC decides to swap WU tasks to accommodate resource share of multiple projects. (Or isolate your other projects from ATLAS). If you need to shut down BOINC then suspend your ATLAS WU's 1 at a time so they get saved properly in VBox manager. |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Atlas Simulation tasks stuck
(Message 44829)
Posted 27 Apr 2021 by marmot Post: I have a couple of these also. Going on the 5th day and always approaching 100% but never reaching it. One of them gives a flashing numluck/scrolllock LED's when connecting to the VM using VBox manager. The other just shows the login screen and is still using 1 core of the client. I remember the tasks eventually ending and giving credit for the days of time consumed. Something has changed? Seriously do not want to abort 10 days of core usage for no credit if these will eventually end with credit. |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Avoid ATLAS task with app_config
(Message 44568)
Posted 26 Mar 2021 by marmot Post: it strange, yes, looking it say it successfully ran the WU but then couldn't successfully power off the VM, so you successfully did work for CMS, just the project didn't think so. I've had to go into the media manager and delete hundreds of failed attached disks when something like this happened before. IIRC ended up performing a complete uninstall of Oracle vBox and then a fresh install to get the problem to disappear. (But this is off topic from the original poster's question about how to stop ATLAS from even running) |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Avoid ATLAS task with app_config
(Message 44512)
Posted 18 Mar 2021 by marmot Post: If you are creative there should be a way to prevent ATLAS from running locally. I've stopped WU's locally 3 years back with some techniques on various projects but the details are fading from my brain. The 1st technique was discovered accidentally by attempting to fit the most Theory WU's into limited RAM on my new server. I set the RAM size for the LHC WU's too small to succeed (there are other posts in the forums about how to use app_config.xml to adjust RAM used by Theory or ATLAS). However, this leads to a long list of failed WU's but the server should eventually stop sending WU's (for the day, maybe longer I don't remember). The more subtle method I had to invent was because LHC@Home would continue to d/l the ATLAS virtual disk even though I had refused ATLAS WU's in the preferences and had set BOINC to leave at least 3GB free. LHC@Home ignored all my limits on it's behavior and was running my laptop hardrive out of space causing me data losses. This procedure is for Windows OS: 1) Shut down BOINC 2) enter the LHC project data folder 3) rt click on the ATLAS_vbox_2.00_image.vdi file and select rename 4) copy the name into the copy-paste buffer 5) delete ATLAS_vbox_2.00_image.vdi 6) rt click on the folder space and choose NEW FILE 7) create a new text document 8) rt click that document and rename it to ATLAS_vbox_2.00_image.vdi by pasting the name from the copy-paste buffer (or use your brain's memory) 9) rt click on that new file and select Properties 10) set the file to Read Only. 11) You'll have a 0 byte invalid ATLAS image that can't be modified by BOINC Restart BOINC. Now ATLAS should fail to ever start because it fails to d/l it's image and the one marked Read Only fails checksums and obviously can't start a VM. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
VM image ready to crunch
(Message 44193)
Posted 24 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: Morning, I'm working on my 1st version with antiX but am looking at Puppy's newest Ubuntu version as antiX broke the upgrade path from Debian 9 to 10. Will need a full rebuild. I have so many labor hours in this antiX 17.2 VM for BOINC now that I'll finish it and put it into production before developing another VM. I'll check into Puppy's upgrade path continuity. Thanks for bringing up the topic and hopefully some other people help with a BOINCix project. I still think it will be more useful for managing workloads over a native Linux install on Windows 10 WSL subsystem. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
VM image ready to crunch
(Message 44192)
Posted 24 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: I am running QuChemPedIA@home tasks on a Windows 10 PC using VirtualBox. QuChem is a Linux project and 94% of its users run a native Linux client, most on Debian. Strangely enough, when my PC completes a task, 90% of the times it was faster than its Linux wingman, even if the Linux host has a much more powerful CPU, mostly AMD Ryzen Threadripper.My CPU is an Intel i5 9400F, with 6 processors, that is 3 cores. Some of my Linux wingmen reach 128 processors. I am an old UNIX and Linux user, but at least in this case Windows is faster. Same BOINC turnkey solution that Kryptos@Home used to get their project up and sending work quickly. Here's their GitHub page: https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2dockerz |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
VM image ready to crunch
(Message 44191)
Posted 24 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: Success? According to the WU database; the WU is valid and received credit. That is the only criteria a user is to judge the success or failure of BOINC WU's, and it has been this way for decades. If no HITS file created is an error state; then do not give credit and mark the WU as one ending in an error. In addition the CVMFS client is installed but not configured to use openhtc.io. Again, the WU succeeded and reports valid. If the HITS file is not being created properly then that is an issue that needs correcting. Cloudflare is 3rd party and was never necessary for performing BOINC work. This VM is a work in progress and correcting the keys error file; getting updates and then installing Singularity, then figuring out why the HITS file is not being created (might be corrected once Singularity is installed) take precedence over Cloudflare connection ( |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
VM image ready to crunch
(Message 44173)
Posted 21 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: Tested my first ATLAS in my antiX VM after increasing it's RAM to 2560 and using BleachBit to purge extraneous files to get enough disk on the meager 16GB VDI ( I need to grow it to 24-32GB). I forgot to install Singularity but CVMFS is installed and the WU completed by grabbing what it needed of Singularity over the shared fs The 3 core WU barely used any CPU and the OS showed less than 1300MB usage the entire time. https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=296573069 BTW, Microsoft has built a Linux subsystem (WSL) for Windows 10. Some Linux distros are then available from the Microsoft store ( gotta grow that store). https://subhankarsarkar.com/run-native-linux-on-windows/ I wonder how many users have successfully run native Linux BOINC WU with that system installed? Probably BOINC would need 2 installs and I don't think BOINC WU reports would be able to discern the Linux app was run on a machine in a WSL subsystem. Maybe WUProps could detect Linux apps run on WSL? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
VM image ready to crunch
(Message 44172)
Posted 21 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: I am running QuChemPedIA@home tasks on a Windows 10 PC using VirtualBox. QuChem is a Linux project and 94% of its users run a native Linux client, most on Debian. Strangely enough, when my PC completes a task, 90% of the times it was faster than its Linux wingman, even if the Linux host has a much more powerful CPU, mostly AMD Ryzen Threadripper.My CPU is an Intel i5 9400F, with 6 processors, that is 3 cores. Some of my Linux wingmen reach 128 processors. I am an old UNIX and Linux user, but at least in this case Windows is faster. How did you build your Linux VM? Did you use the Cern product? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
VM image ready to crunch
(Message 44167)
Posted 21 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: Hi team, This discussion has all gone off track. It's the same question I and others have had: 'Is there a downloadable, prebuilt, Linux VDI that is ready to run LHC@Home native apps as soon as you create your own VM using that VDI drive and then change the machine name?' I built an antiX (Debian 9 based) VM that runs on as little as 128MB RAM which has been running various Linus only WU's for BOINC projects on my Windows test laptop. This VM was going to be setup for LHC WU's as well; but it now has keys download issues and no upgrade path to Debian 10 and so I'm considering developing a new version of my LinuxForBOINC VM. This seems like a GitHub project waiting to be developed. Maybe it could be called "BoincedLinuxVM"? I'm sure many Windows users would love a downloadable Linux VM to run BOINC apps that are Linux only and not have the headaches of managing Linux or having to go through the 10 to 40 hours of creation time when the wheel has already been created by a GitHub team. It would also save on RAM as native ATLAS only needs a VM to have 2560MB for 4 cores. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates
(Message 44135)
Posted 18 Jan 2021 by marmot Post:
I can agree with that. I can also see how this happened as when you search for Boinc2Docker (which uses Boot2Docker) you find a startup solution that will save a new project from reinventing the wheel, but it's not obvious that the work is based on, is now deprecated. After the first 2 days of releasing this WU, and seeing the issues, Kryptos@Home recognized their mistake, apologized, and are planning on creating native apps. I do not see intent to harm the user base here. The project is also short term to solve a single cryptographic message and the solution might be found tomorrow or 6 months from now. I'm sure they do not want to sink thousands of hours of development time into something that might be done any day. BTW, if you know of a more up-to-date, turnkey solution for new BOINC projects, let them know. If you are developing a turnkey BOINC project product; here's your chance for a sale. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Not getting any tasks, though many are available
(Message 44128)
Posted 17 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: I do have "Run native if available" checked. This solved my problem and saved me diagnostics time. So my 2700x now has my the 1st ATLAS WU for me in since sometime in 2018. Back doing ATLAS till the summer months bring back the heat and it's time to shut down heat generators (home heating with science computing... everyone should dump their furnaces and put a heating computer in each room!) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates
(Message 44127)
Posted 17 Jan 2021 by marmot Post:
IIRC, Cosmology@Home is also using Boot2Docker inside their VM's Reviewing the GitHub page gives some insight as to why there might be issues under VBox 6.x. (such as the project was developed with 5.x VBox and deprecated before properly tested under VBox 6). https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates
(Message 44125)
Posted 16 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: Can you tell me what version of VB is required for LHC? Thankyou Jim. Question answered. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates
(Message 44123)
Posted 16 Jan 2021 by marmot Post: Can you tell me what version of VB is required for LHC? Because I've just joined another project that doesn't like later versions. Will it break LHC if I downgrade? @computezrmle, you avoided answering the question and just cast shade at the other project. Their project is in development and, for this beta period, are not able to use VBox 6.1.x and later under Windows X only. Do LHC WU's work properly under VBox ver 5.2.44? Because I am going back to 5.2.44 and will run ATLAS on that version. LHC doesn't appear to be calling on any new features of VBox that haven't been supported since ver 4.x |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Android x86 app
(Message 37909)
Posted 2 Feb 2019 by marmot Post: Hi. I have an ASUS ZenFone Zoom smartphone (Intel Z3580 CPU quad-core 2.3GHz) but at the moment I can only help SETI research. Can you tell me when you will add an app for x86 Android devices? Can we get an update on the ARM Sixtrack application? My tablet has been waiting since I got it... |
Message boards :
Sixtrack Application :
multi threading six track possible in any way?
(Message 37908)
Posted 2 Feb 2019 by marmot Post: Hi, Thanks for the response and your work on the project. |
Message boards :
Sixtrack Application :
multi threading six track possible in any way?
(Message 37884)
Posted 1 Feb 2019 by marmot Post: Hello, That's running 8 single core WU at once; not running one 8 thread WU and not what I'm looking for. |
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