1) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks. (Message 21593)
Posted 4 Nov 2009 by J Langley
It looks like quite a nice cluster: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/04/lhc_xeon_endorsement/
2) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks. (Message 21591)
Posted 4 Nov 2009 by J Langley
It seems very odd that CERN staff are heavily involved in adding VM capabilities to BOINC (see notes from the recent BOINC workshop), but LHC@home is left to rot.
3) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Lack of Work units (Message 21446)
Posted 29 Jul 2009 by J Langley
The admins have previously confirmed that there are no plans to port the Grid systems to run on BOINC, as they require a large amount of hard disc space, need a specific version of Linux, and have no-one available to actually do the porting.

Yes, but the BOINC devs are looking (in v.6.10 I think) to add the ability for BOINC to create and use client-side VMs. This would allow projects to distribute complete environments (including specific OSes, such as CERN\'s Scientific Linux) for their apps and WUs.

Of course, just because the capability will be there, doesn\'t mean LHC will use it; but I think some CERN people were involved with getting the BOINC devs to look into VMs in the first place...
4) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks. (Message 21445)
Posted 29 Jul 2009 by J Langley
As far as I know lhc@home was never meant to crunch the data coming from the experiments. As explained somewhere else in this forum people would need to install a sppecialized OS to run the apps.

Yes, but the BOINC devs are looking (in v.6.10 I think) to add the ability for BOINC to create and use client-side VMs. This would allow projects to distribute complete environments (including specific OSes, such as CERN\'s Scientific Linux) for their apps and WUs.

Of course, just because the capability will be there, doesn\'t mean LHC will use it; but I think some CERN people were involved with getting the BOINC devs to look into VMs in the first place...
5) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks. (Message 21417)
Posted 30 Jun 2009 by J Langley
Any chance you could post these updates on the front page in future?

I\'ve only just discovered this thread despite checking frequently for news.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Exceeding maxium disk space. (Message 21271)
Posted 26 Feb 2009 by J Langley
Well that disproves my theory - your WU shows XP machine completing okay.

This is strange.

Perhaps tpieloni can check whether the successful runs submitted files close to the limit?
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Exceeding maxium disk space. (Message 21270)
Posted 26 Feb 2009 by J Langley
Good thought.

Perhaps someone with a dual-boot machine can check what the BOINC client reports at startup - do the spaces reported match?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Exceeding maxium disk space. (Message 21265)
Posted 26 Feb 2009 by J Langley

I have re-submitted the same cases with modified outputs to stay inside the limit that\\\'s why they have finished successfully in a second try.

I\'m not sure that explains the WU I mentioned. My computer got one of the 2 IRs, when the XP host failed I suppose it is possible that subsequent hosts picked up the modified cases, but my computer successfully crunched the original job (there is no \"Cancelled by server\" task), and all subsequent hosts also failed until the WU reached another host running Vista.

If the WUs were faulty surely they should fail on all hosts? So far it looks like XP hosts and Linux hosts all aborted, but Vista hosts all completed okay. This is a little worrying. (Can anyone show a successful unit from the intiial batch on an XP host or a Linux host?)

Are we seeing another HR scenario where the same science app behaves differently on different hosts?
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Changes to Quorum and Replication ! (Message 21264)
Posted 26 Feb 2009 by J Langley
Our administrators may not have been kept in the loop here either. Time will tell, maybe...

Perfectly possible - Alex and Neasan do not submit the jobs, that\'s done by the scientists.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Exceeding maxium disk space. (Message 21260)
Posted 26 Feb 2009 by J Langley
The WU I mentioned failed on all XP hosts that attempted it, but completed okay on Vista hosts...
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Exceeding maxium disk space. (Message 21258)
Posted 25 Feb 2009 by J Langley

It is not a problem with your settings. There is nothing you can do.

Very probably true, but something strange is happening. Check out: http://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/workunit.php?wuid=3480776

My task finished okay, but first wingman failed with disk space error.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the new wingman\'s result.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : All my WUs resulted invalid (Message 20659)
Posted 14 Oct 2008 by J Langley

6.3.14 is a development version. I suggest going back to 6.2.15 and only upgrade with the next non-dev release. Non-dev releases have an even number after the 6.

LHC doesn\\\'t play nicely with 6.x.x clients:
http://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/index.php \\\"The scientists are looking into the 6.X issues with BOINC as well. Thanks, Neasan\\\"

The OP should go back to 5.10.x
13) Message boards : LHC@home Science : LHC shut down for months after helium leak (Message 20483)
Posted 22 Sep 2008 by J Langley
The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva will be out of action for at least two months, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) says.

Well hopefully that will free up some scientists to fix the Sixtrack issue with BOINC 6.2 clients, and to finish debugging Garfield.
14) Message boards : LHC@home Science : never can attach lhc@home on mac...:( (Message 20345)
Posted 14 Sep 2008 by J Langley

The compiler used for Sixtrack is not available for the Mac, so at this moment in time, it looks like the Mac will never be supported.


Maybe they will use a different compiler for Garfield, which might allow Macs to contribute.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : The new look bugs (Message 20115)
Posted 10 Sep 2008 by J Langley
Since the server upgrade, the first column of the forum (that indicates whether the thread is sticky) does not size properly in IE7 (it is fine in Opera 9.51).
In IE7 and Opera 9.51 the input text box when posting does not correctly align (it spans 1 column instead of 2) and it doesn\\\'t properly wrap text (I had to copy and paste this from Notepad to see what I was typing!).

All table colums resizing is broken.Confirmed with IE8 beta1 in normal mode.
And textbox size is wrong and second partis not even visible,so one is typing blind. :-(

Strangely this seemed to be fixed for me the other day, but now it appears to be broken again. I wonder if there is a CSS issue behind this somehow?

Bizarre - the text box works properly on my work computer, but not on my home computer, and I thought I was running the same OS and browser on both. I\'ll post the (working) config tomorrow, but at home with
IE 7.0.5730.13 and XP Pro SP3 (5.1.2600)
the text box is still messed up.
16) Message boards : LHC@home Science : Server Error (Message 20113)
Posted 10 Sep 2008 by J Langley
Server Error:can\\\'t attach shared memory.What does this mean?

There\'s a problem on the server-side (most likely caused by high volume of traffic to this site today). Don\'t worry about it - you don\'t need to do anything to yourPC.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : I get no \"workload\" (Message 20089)
Posted 10 Sep 2008 by J Langley
Never mind, the majority of \"work\" that I have seen consists of < 2 Minute runtime

That\'s not a problem, it indicates the parameters used for the simulation caused the beam to hit the accelerator wall, it lets CERN know not to set LHC up that way.

difficulties uploading and finally getting flagged \\\"aborted by Project\\\" all over.

LHC@H runs with IR>Q to get WU results back quickly. I believe that is why you are seeing \"aborted by project\" - Q has laready been reached by the time crunching starts for your WU.
This set-up has been debated on these boards but the scientists have apparently asked the admins to run things this way (rather than set IR=Q and short WU deadlines). Since LHC@H is over-subscribed with crunchers, the project isn\'t suffering (though the wider BOINC community might be).

The admins have estimated they need about £60k to do all the upgrades and enhancements they would like to, but they don\'t have the funding. (Given the cost of the LHC itself, that seems rather short-sighted of CERN, but that is the current situation.)
18) Message boards : Number crunching : The new look bugs (Message 20040)
Posted 8 Sep 2008 by J Langley
Since the server upgrade, the first column of the forum (that indicates whether the thread is sticky) does not size properly in IE7 (it is fine in Opera 9.51).
In IE7 and Opera 9.51 the input text box when posting does not correctly align (it spans 1 column instead of 2) and it doesn\'t properly wrap text (I had to copy and paste this from Notepad to see what I was typing!).

All table colums resizing is broken.Confirmed with IE8 beta1 in normal mode.
And textbox size is wrong and second partis not even visible,so one is typing blind. :-(

Strangely this seemed to be fixed for me the other day, but now it appears to be broken again. I wonder if there is a CSS issue behind this somehow?
19) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 5.10.x?? (Message 20039)
Posted 8 Sep 2008 by J Langley
If downgrading will cause you problems on other projects, just set LHC@home to \"No new work\" until the problems here aare fixed.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : The new look bugs (Message 20030)
Posted 8 Sep 2008 by J Langley
The apostrophe and quote issue has also affected Einstein@Home, but they seem to have resolved it: http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/forum_thread.php?id=6790

Hmm, Alex seems to have managed to clear up the apostrophe problem on old messages, but new posts are still not being escaped properly.

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