Message boards :
Number crunching :
Recommended CVMFS Configuration for native Apps
(Message 41886)
Posted 11 Mar 2020 by gyllic Post: /etc/cvmfs/config.d/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch.local What is this needed for? Sorry if this has been explained before; was absent for some time. |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
ATLAS native version 2.72
(Message 40108)
Posted 10 Oct 2019 by gyllic Post: Your singularity version (2.6.1) is very old. Maybe the new image needs a more current version in order to work. You should update your singularity version. For me, native version 2.72 looks like it is working without a problem: 2019-10-09 20:09:23,818: singularity image is /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/images/singularity/x86_64-centos7.img 2019-10-09 20:09:23,819: sys.argv = ['run_atlas', '--nthreads', '2'] 2019-10-09 20:09:23,820: THREADS=2 2019-10-09 20:09:23,821: Checking for CVMFS 2019-10-09 20:09:39,404: CVMFS is installed 2019-10-09 20:09:39,404: Checking Singularity... 2019-10-09 20:09:40,399: Singularity is installed, version singularity version 3.4.1+324-g54b182afd 2019-10-09 20:09:40,399: Testing the function of Singularity... 2019-10-09 20:09:40,399: Checking singularity with cmd:singularity exec -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/images/singularity/x86_64-centos7.img hostname 2019-10-09 20:10:03,571: Singularity Works... 2019-10-09 20:10:03,572: copy /home/boinc/boinc1/slots/0/shared/ATLAS.root_0 2019-10-09 20:10:03,872: copy /home/boinc/boinc1/slots/0/shared/RTE.tar.gz 2019-10-09 20:10:03,873: copy /home/boinc/boinc1/slots/0/shared/input.tar.gz 2019-10-09 20:10:03,873: copy /home/boinc/boinc1/slots/0/shared/start_atlas.sh 2019-10-09 20:10:03,873: export ATHENA_PROC_NUMBER=2; 2019-10-09 20:10:04,243: start atlas job with PandaID=4503174146 2019-10-09 20:10:04,243: cmd = singularity exec --pwd /home/boinc/boinc1/slots/0 -B /cvmfs,/home /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/images/singularity/x86_64-centos7.img sh start_atlas.sh > runtime_log 2> runtime_log.err The first 2.72 task is running for over 10 hours now and everything looks fine. |
Message boards :
Theory Application :
Out of BOINC-workunits for Theory Native
(Message 40061)
Posted 1 Oct 2019 by gyllic Post: 01.10.2019 21:10:46 | LHC@home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. 01.10.2019 21:10:46 | LHC@home | Requesting new tasks for CPU 01.10.2019 21:10:48 | LHC@home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks 01.10.2019 21:10:48 | LHC@home | No tasks sent 01.10.2019 21:10:48 | LHC@home | No tasks are available for Theory Native |
Message boards :
Theory Application :
Simple Bash script which sets everything up automatically to run native apps
(Message 39899)
Posted 10 Sep 2019 by gyllic Post: Hi guys, I am working on a simple bash script which automatically sets everything up on various distributions (only ubuntu is implemented at the moment) to run the native applications. The script can be found at https://github.com/g84ycm/LHCHome_Native/. It is basically a collection of some forum posts, scripts and info taken from documentation. You need to have root privileges on your system in order to successfully run the script. The goal of this script is to simplify the setup process for new users in order to run the native apps. To run the script, download it with wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/g84ycm/LHCHome_Native/master/setup_native_LHC.shand make it executable with chmod +x setup_native_LHC.sh The syntax to use the script is: ./setup_native_LHC.sh [distribution] [install boinc yes|no]More parameters will be added in later versions. Type ./setup_native_LHC.sh helpto get more info. What the script does:
- installs CVMFS from cern repositories - sets up CVMFS to use a local cache and no local squid proxy - sets up CVMFS to use openhtc.io - checks if CVMFS is working correctly - sets up user namespaces (on ubuntu nothing needs to be changed) - checks if user namespaces are working - sets up cgroup stuff for suspend/resume to work (for native theory) - creates systemd script for suspend/resume to work
- add option to build everything from sources
Message boards :
CMS Application :
(Message 39480)
Posted 1 Aug 2019 by gyllic Post: OK, Federica managed to find the server which needed to be rebooted and jobs are starting to flow again. Thanks for your patience.Looking good so far! |
Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
No new tasks for LHC@home on Android?
(Message 39447)
Posted 27 Jul 2019 by gyllic Post: look here: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/forum_thread.php?id=5093 |
Message boards :
CMS Application :
(Message 39426)
Posted 23 Jul 2019 by gyllic Post: Looks like not only my hosts are affected.Indeed, same here. |
Message boards :
CMS Application :
CMS jobs are becoming available again
(Message 39083)
Posted 8 Jun 2019 by gyllic Post: The new version of the new CMS boostrap fixed the issue mentioned here: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/forum_thread.php?id=4964&postid=39036. Thanks everybody. |
Message boards :
CMS Application :
Local proxy can now be suggestet for use with CMS
(Message 39082)
Posted 8 Jun 2019 by gyllic Post: The new CMS configuration is working well! 6 CMS tasks connected to cms-frontier.openhtc.io about 160.000 times in total, while the local proxy answered nearly every single request (hitrate > 99%). Additionally, the proxylogs show almost 10.000 connections to cvmfs-stratum-one.cern.ch, where the local proxy answered more than 98%. Things are looking good, and using a local proxy for CMS tasks seems to be a very good idea. |
Message boards :
CMS Application :
CMS jobs are becoming available again
(Message 39036)
Posted 4 Jun 2019 by gyllic Post: One of my hosts shows messages like this within the VM (e.g. /logs/finished_7.log): Setting up Frontier log level Beginning CMSSW wrapper script slc6_amd64_gcc700 scramv1 CMSSW Performing SCRAM setup... Completed SCRAM setup Retrieving SCRAM project... Completed SCRAM project Executing CMSSW cmsRun -j FrameworkJobReport.xml PSet.py ----- Begin Fatal Exception 04-Jun-2019 09:23:03 UTC----------------------- An exception of category 'Incomplete configuration' occurred while [0] Constructing the EventProcessor [1] Constructing ESSource: class=PoolDBESSource label='GlobalTag' Exception Message: Valid site-local-config not found at /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/SITECONF/local/JobConfig/site-local-config.xml ----- End Fatal Exception ------------------------------------------------- Complete process id is 270 status is 65 The starterlog shows (/logs/StarterLog) for example: 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** condor_starter (CONDOR_STARTER) STARTING UP 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** /usr/sbin/condor_starter 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** SubsystemInfo: name=STARTER type=STARTER(8) class=DAEMON(1) 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** Configuration: subsystem:STARTER local:<NONE> class:DAEMON 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** $CondorVersion: 8.6.10 Mar 12 2018 BuildID: 435200 $ 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** $CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $ 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** PID = 8452 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ** Log last touched 6/4 10:47:42 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) ****************************************************** 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) Using config source: /etc/condor/condor_config 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) Using local config sources: 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/config.d/10_security.config 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/config.d/14_network.config 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/config.d/20_workernode.config 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/config.d/30_lease.config 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/config.d/35_cms.config 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/config.d/40_ccb.config 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/config.d/62-benchmark.conf 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) /etc/condor/condor_config.local 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) config Macros = 172, Sorted = 172, StringBytes = 6941, TablesBytes = 6296 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) CLASSAD_CACHING is OFF 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) Daemon Log is logging: D_ALWAYS D_ERROR 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) Daemoncore: Listening at <> on TCP (ReliSock). 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) DaemonCore: command socket at <> 06/04/19 10:47:43 (pid:8452) DaemonCore: private command socket at <> 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) CCBListener: registered with CCB server vocms0840.cern.ch as ccbid 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) Communicating with shadow <> 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) Submitting machine is "vocms0267.cern.ch" 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) setting the orig job name in starter 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) setting the orig job iwd in starter 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) Chirp config summary: IO false, Updates false, Delayed updates true. 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) Initialized IO Proxy. 06/04/19 10:47:44 (pid:8452) Done setting resource limits 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) File transfer completed successfully. 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Job 150691.2 set to execute immediately 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Starting a VANILLA universe job with ID: 150691.2 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) IWD: /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_8452 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Output file: /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_8452/_condor_stdout 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Error file: /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_8452/_condor_stderr 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Renice expr "10" evaluated to 10 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Using wrapper /usr/local/bin/singularity_wrapper.sh to exec /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_8452/condor_exec.exe ireid_TC_OneTask_IDR_CMS_Home_190526_125903_8237-Sandbox.tar.bz2 89269 0 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Running job as user nobody 06/04/19 10:47:46 (pid:8452) Create_Process succeeded, pid=8466 06/04/19 10:52:47 (pid:8452) Process exited, pid=8466, status=1 06/04/19 10:52:48 (pid:8452) Got SIGQUIT. Performing fast shutdown. 06/04/19 10:52:48 (pid:8452) ShutdownFast all jobs. 06/04/19 10:52:48 (pid:8452) **** condor_starter (condor_STARTER) pid 8452 EXITING WITH STATUS 0 Does one of the experts know where the problem is located? According to the finished_7.log it looks like it can't find a valid site-local-config, but why? Vbox cpu usage is ~0%. The affected host has successfully crunched CMS tasks in the past. I am using a local proxy, which should be working fine (at least the theory tasks have no problem using it). |
Message boards :
Theory Application :
Issues Native Theory application
(Message 38608)
Posted 23 Apr 2019 by gyllic Post: It rarely happens, but sometimes an error between all the valids.same here. Until now, 3 out of ~100 failed with the same error as mentioned above: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=221596097 https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=221500071 https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=221484725 Any idea why that happens? |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Changes to use configured proxy for Frontier servers
(Message 38562)
Posted 12 Apr 2019 by gyllic Post: for native atlas the squid logs show connections to http://lcgft-atlas.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:3128 which is one of the frontier ATLAS servers. Seems like using the proxy is a good idea since it shows 100% hitrate for this site (not sure if that makes sense). |
Message boards :
Theory Application :
Issues Native Theory application
(Message 38267)
Posted 18 Mar 2019 by gyllic Post: "runc" was missing...runc is provided via CVMFS, so there should be no need for installing runc and this should not fix your problem. If it does, please report here. Could you please post the output of the commands (hopefully they work on Scientific Linux) cat /proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_cloneand cat /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces |
Message boards :
CMS Application :
CMS 47.90 WU runs 18 hours, but do nothing after 12 ours of runtime. What can I do to use CPU for CMS more effectively?
(Message 38243)
Posted 14 Mar 2019 by gyllic Post: It appears to me that this is mainly related to the first job that a BOINC task runs, suggesting to me that the workflow is trying to access a resource with limited network connectivity (or otherwise limited throughput).Maybe using openhtc would help overcoming this issue? |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
ATLAS native_mt error while computing after 600 seconds
(Message 37975)
Posted 11 Feb 2019 by gyllic Post: In order to run ATLAS native you must have installed two additional programs: -cvmfs (https://cernvm.cern.ch/portal/filesystem) -singularity ( https://www.sylabs.io/singularity/) If you want to build these two programs from source code, you can go here (this has been written for debian): https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/forum_thread.php?id=4840 If you dont want to get native tasks, you should uncheck the box "Run test applications?" in the LHC preference page (https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/prefs.php?subset=project) |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
New WU with 2 output files
(Message 37836)
Posted 27 Jan 2019 by gyllic Post: so far 2 out of 7 native v2.55 have validate errors. In the logs it says e.g. "Moving ./HITS.16756652._013772.pool.root.1 to shared/HITS.pool.root.1" for every task (valid and invalid ones according to boinc server standards), which indicates that the tasks ran successfully, so it is propably "just" a boinc server validating problem. I would not mind if not all tasks give credits for the moment but as djoser mentioned it is a waste of resources, since due to the validate errors, the tasks get send to another host although they already have produced good results (HITS file). |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
CERN Open Days 2019
(Message 37636)
Posted 18 Dec 2018 by gyllic Post: For everyone who is interested, CERN opens its doors to the public in September 2019: https://home.cern/news/news/cern/cern-open-days-explore-future-us quote: Similar to the 2013 edition, the 2019 Open Days will give people the chance to discover our facilities both underground and on the surface** |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Guide for building everything from sources to run native ATLAS on Debian 9 (Stretch) Version 2
(Message 37591)
Posted 11 Dec 2018 by gyllic Post: What is the output of the command (remember to probe cvmfs first): sudo -H -u boinc singularity exec -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img hostname |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Guide for building everything from sources to run native ATLAS on Debian 9 (Stretch) Version 2
(Message 37579)
Posted 9 Dec 2018 by gyllic Post: Thanks! Hm, thats weird, since at a first glance I don't see anything why native ATLAS should not run on your Lubuntu machine. Accroding to the "return 3" error code that is given by the ATLAS run script (see here https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=211183308), it could not run the command "singularity exec -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img hostname" or the command did not produce a valid output. But according to your posted debug log, this command produces an output: your hostname "opti7010" Also, the "singularity --debug" command shows basically the same as from a machine that has already successfully crunched native ATLAS tasks. I don't know why it is not working. Just a few guesses (might have nothing to do with the problem at all): maybe some user rights/privilege problems? Did you install singularity with "sudo make install"? Maybe just try another native task? |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Guide for building everything from sources to run native ATLAS on Debian 9 (Stretch) Version 2
(Message 37522)
Posted 4 Dec 2018 by gyllic Post: Now a problem with singularity. It built and installed OK and "singularity --version" reports To get more information, please do the following: 1. probe cvmfs: cvmfs_config probe 2. Post the output of the command: singularity --debug exec -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img hostname |
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