1) Message boards : Number crunching : User statistics per application (Message 41035)
Posted 22 Dec 2019 by Profile Bok
Given LHC is storing this data, is there any reason why the data is not in the https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/stats/user_work.gz file ?

The file is being generated and contains all the users but no data..

-bash-4.2$ zcat user_work.gz | more
2) Message boards : News : Consent required to export statistics (Message 37740)
Posted 10 Jan 2019 by Profile Bok
At Free-DC until this whole change settles down I set a short delay before the user stats are deleted when they are no longer in the xml file, after the 4th update the users will be permanently deleted.

I'll remove this delay at some point.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Badges data (Message 37719)
Posted 3 Jan 2019 by Profile Bok
I noticed that the badge information is in the tables.xml file now, but it doesn't look like there is a badge_user.gz file being produced?

I'd like to add the badges to Free-DC, but I would need that file which is part of the standard server code nowadays I believe. OR at the very least if there is a list of the credit badges and levels. I can't find one any where in the forums.


Helo BoK,
Are you the programmer of Free-DC?
Cern-IT have holiday up to 6th of January.

Yes I am.

Ok, no great hurry I will see if they respond when they return from holidays
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Badges data (Message 37715)
Posted 2 Jan 2019 by Profile Bok
I noticed that the badge information is in the tables.xml file now, but it doesn't look like there is a badge_user.gz file being produced?

I'd like to add the badges to Free-DC, but I would need that file which is part of the standard server code nowadays I believe. OR at the very least if there is a list of the credit badges and levels. I can't find one any where in the forums.

5) Message boards : Number crunching : Statistics export by project (Message 29836)
Posted 5 Apr 2017 by Profile Bok
bump, been a month?
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Statistics export by project (Message 28996)
Posted 1 Mar 2017 by Profile Bok
Any chance you can look at the user work file and why there is no data in it?


It should look more like this - from NFS project

<subproject name="14e">
<subproject name="15e">
<subproject name="16e">

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