1) Questions and Answers : Windows : Just finshed creatigng account, however, no work yet (Message 2807)
Posted 30 Sep 2004 by Rayflic
> If you are running other projects under boinc it might not connect and get
> work before the other workunits are done. Try to do an update and see if that
> helps.
> Christian Søttrup
> LHC@home Developer

OK, I did an update and so far no work/activity. There are no other projects running at this time. I am at a loss as to what to try next....
Here is what the log indicates:

LHC@home - 2004-09-29 21:43:57 - Sending request to scheduler: http://lhcathome-sched1.cern.ch/scheduler/cgi
LHC@home - 2004-09-29 21:44:02 - Scheduler RPC to http://lhcathome-sched1.cern.ch/scheduler/cgi succeeded

2) Questions and Answers : Windows : Just finshed creatigng account, however, no work yet (Message 2589)
Posted 28 Sep 2004 by Rayflic
> Is it "suspended"?
> I had to set mine to "always run" to get it to run right.
I double checked that after reading your answer, and it is set to 'always run.'
I do not think that any additional software was downloaded to me after attaching to this project, as it did when I set up with SETI.

Anything else come to mind?

3) Questions and Answers : Windows : Just finshed creatigng account, however, no work yet (Message 2577)
Posted 28 Sep 2004 by Rayflic
I have been running BOINC 4.9 with SETI for awhile now. I have just finished creating an account for this project and i have attached to it. So far no activity/work has been started. The web site indicates that the server is up. Is there anything else that I need to do that I may have missed?

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