1) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Switching to service on and off (Message 12619)
Posted 2 Feb 2006 by Claudiu Tanaselia
I've installed BOINC as an application (Windows). Is there a way to make a service out of it, without reinstalling? The preference menu is not rich in features...
2) Message boards : Team invites : KlingonDFT (Message 12452)
Posted 26 Jan 2006 by Claudiu Tanaselia
A new team was recently created in Romania. Everyone into klingons and DFT (density functional theory) are invited!
3) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Server out of work (Message 12451)
Posted 26 Jan 2006 by Claudiu Tanaselia
"Parts of the database had chrashed due to a power failure in the computer centre. They are now back up and running. "
This one?

They say they are up and running, but:
"Up, out of work
33008 workunits in progress
42 concurrent connections"

What does out of work means? And how long this out-of-work period is? This was my question.
4) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Server out of work (Message 12449)
Posted 26 Jan 2006 by Claudiu Tanaselia
This is very anoying. From time to time, LHC has no work. Why does this happens and how long until new your arrives?

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