1) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : exceeded elapsed time limit 30940.80 (180000000.00G/5817.56G) (Message 31026)
Posted 24 Jun 2017 by Profile planetclown
Thanks for the workaround. I'm up to 42 errors at the time of this post. I've just updated my client_state.xml and will keep an eye on the # of errors going forward. Thanks again!
2) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : exceeded elapsed time limit 30940.80 (180000000.00G/5817.56G) (Message 31019)
Posted 24 Jun 2017 by Profile planetclown
Just a heads-up that I've noticed 34 of my tasks with errors containing a similar message.


Most have "exceeded elapsed time limit 12140.55 (180000000.00G/14826.35G)" but a few have smaller numbers such as "time limit 7987.99 (180000000.00G/19907.96G".

Kind of rough since they take 2-3 hours of computing time before they error.

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