1) Message boards : Number crunching : Upgrading BOINC (Message 8758)
Posted 21 Jul 2005 by SunRedRX7
> BOINC 4.45 asks that BOINC 4.19 be uninstalled.
> Does uninstalling BOINC 4.19 clear out the projects folder?
> I don't want to lose work in progress and work in queue.

You can uninstall 4.19 without worrying about your work disappearing.

When you install 4.45 it will pickup where 4.19 left off.

As a precautionary measure you can make a backup copy of your BOINC directory, just copy it somewhere else on your PC. If the install of 4.45 fails, you can just copy your 4.19 install back.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Project Server rejects Version 5 Core Client (Message 8287)
Posted 2 Jul 2005 by SunRedRX7
> Have just download BOINC Version 5
> The project rejects the client
> is thier a reason.

Yes there is a reason

The 5.00 client was released for the ALPHA SETI project, so most projects are not ready for it.
They don't put those warnings there just for kicks.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : New work soon (Message 8239)
Posted 30 Jun 2005 by SunRedRX7
Thanks for the work guys, your screensavers my favorite of the projects!
4) Message boards : Number crunching : CPU (Message 2988)
Posted 1 Oct 2004 by SunRedRX7
>Can u have the graphics going in a window or only in screen saver mode?

To see the graphics, open up the BOINC client, and go to the "Work" tab. Right click the active(will have CPU time that it changing) work unit and tell it to show graphics.

> also the cpu usage, im stuck on 100%
I believe it the setting you changed to 75 is the resource share option. This doesn't change the amount of CPU that you use, but rather the amount of resource time you dedicate to each project you are signed up for.

I don't believe you can change the CPU usage, but you shouldnt have a need to. The priority setting for BOINC is set low so that it will give up resoruces to other programs as they need them.

Also to update settings on the client, go to the "Projects" tab and right click the project(LHC@Home) and select update, and it'll tell the project to contact the website and update your account settings.
5) Message boards : Team invites : Overclockers.com (Message 2644)
Posted 28 Sep 2004 by SunRedRX7
Also if you wish to chat with other members of our overclockers.com team, we can be found also at

Keep them computers busy!
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Decision on points accumulated up to now (Message 2569)
Posted 28 Sep 2004 by SunRedRX7
When/if the credits are cleared,

We won't have to reattach to the project or sign up again right?

A couple of my PCs running LHC@home are offsite so I don't see them daily.

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