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LHC@home Science :
Communication to LHC@home (SixTrack) volunteers
(Message 23910)
Posted 28 Mar 2012 by Borek Post: Preprint of the article is available at http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1414744 |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
(Message 22545)
Posted 13 Sep 2010 by Borek Post: ... I am not an insider, but I think it is caused by two facts. Firstly: This project has work seldomly. Therefore boinc acumulate priority and when you got a task, it calculate it with highest priority thanks to huge amount of acumulated priority. And secondly: WU on this projects has very short deadline, therefore is boinc manager pressed to prioritize LHC. I just comment that when more WU will be available you should probably enlarge time for computing. Someone for example isn\'t at home for weekend or starts PC only at evening, so he would lost his WU. |
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