Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
Walter Wagner
(Message 22371)
Posted 8 Jun 2010 by Nagilum Post: Ok six months later and "Walter Wagner" has been proved wrong. As usual, ignorance standing in the way of finding the truth. That's been a standard of the ignorant mind since before Constantine converted to christianity. Many intelligent people have died by the same foolish ignorance as supported by Walter Wagner's theorys. I suppose now Wagner can focus on the end-of-the-world started by an underwater oil spill. |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
Walter Wagner
(Message 21802)
Posted 23 Jan 2010 by Nagilum Post:
This is where "Walter Wagner" comes into play. He's fallen so deep into the "Fools Argument", that his only hope regaining self esteem is to get lucky and prove one of his SCIENTIFIC PROPHESY'S has merit. He's no better than that foolish TV Evangelist that said, "The earth quake that hit Haiti was the wrath of God for an evil people". To appologize now for being wrong would expose these people for the fool's they realy are and ruin their careers of public deception that has made them filthy rich. |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
Black hole question
(Message 21796)
Posted 20 Jan 2010 by Nagilum Post: Okay black holes and high electric bills, sounds symetrical but thats not "SUZY" and why aren't we hearing from CERN scientist like "bigmac"? Did they discover something that's "hush hush"? I'd like to hear something just to keep my hopes alive, and this blog has so many excellent individuals inputing their thoughts here. Nagilum... |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
The LHC produces first physics results
(Message 21789)
Posted 11 Jan 2010 by Nagilum Post: Okay, the holidays were good and we all gained a few pounds, but isn't it time for some more "PARTICLE PUNISHMENT!!"? |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 21784)
Posted 30 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post:
VINTAGE, true VINTAGE. The best wine is the oldest wine! |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 21781)
Posted 28 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: Well According to that post, it seems I'm not the only person past the 50 year mark. I remember the Tandy, Coco, Vic 20, and Commodore 64. That made us the Pioneers of home processors and I purchased each one of them at one time or another, but my first upgrade was a set of memory chips on the Commodore 64 that upgraded the 64k to 128K ram. I had to travel to another town to purchace these chips and remove a few resistors to complete the upgrade. If it wasn't for our dedication to home CPU's, the processors we currently use may have been left in the hands of Corp's that wished to dominate the industry. I'm proud to have self learned how processors work and built my own custom system ever since, and using 300 baud on a Tandy PC to access Compuserve is classic. I'm very proud to have been part of that time watching people become computer savy. My most recent upgrade is the Core 2 Quad Q9650. We've come a long way since the 80's. |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 21772)
Posted 19 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post:
Thanks bigmac for keeping us well informed and up-to-date on the LHC. I and many others have been very excited about the ground breaking success's since the restart, and you are the closest thing to a "foot in the door" for people like me (who would have rather been a COSMOLOGIST than a BUS DRIVER), but thats what I got for growing up in a farm town. I would like to wish you and everyone on the LHC@HOME website a very "MERRY CHRISTMAS". |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Are We There Yet?
(Message 21767)
Posted 15 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: "A virtual Black Hole." Now that's scary. Maybe we will become the next CERN study. "Black Hole created by LHC devours users cpu time and effort! News of the Boinc supporters missing, up-next on CNN World News." |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
Stanford Accelerator Expertise at Work in the LHC
(Message 21742)
Posted 10 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: Quote: CERN's Large Hadron Collider became the world's highest energy particle collider when it began colliding protons at 1.18 tera-electron volts late last month. "It's fascinating to be alive at this time when we see all of the combined knowlegde since man first walked on the Earth, come together from all walks of life to see these miraculous fundamentals of nature exposed and hopefully understood. Even after the genius machine was repaired and operable, it still took more genius to make it work."Bravo!!" |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
The Benefit of Discovering the Higg's Boson
(Message 21732)
Posted 9 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: Looking forward to my flying car. "FLUBBER!" |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
The Benefit of Discovering the Higg's Boson
(Message 21719)
Posted 6 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: Looking for SUSY: The best proof would come, however, if we could produce neutralinos directly through collisions in an accelerator. The trouble is that we are not entirely sure how muscular that accelerator would need to be. The mass of the super-partners depends on precisely when supersymmetry (SUSY) broke apart as the universe cooled and the standard particles and their super-partners parted company. Various versions of the theory have not come up with a consistent timing. Some variants even suggest that certain super-partners are light enough to have already turned up in accelerators such as the Large Electron-Positron collider - the LHC's predecessor at CERN - or the Tevatron collider in Batavia, Illinois. Yet neither accelerator found anything. The reason physicists are so excited about the LHC, though, is that the kind of supersymmetry that best solves the hierarchy problem will become visible at the higher energies the LHC will explore. Similarly, if neutralinos have the right mass to make up dark matter, they should be produced in great numbers at the LHC. So if evidence for supersymmetry does exist in the form most theorists expect, it could be discovered well before the Higgs particle, whose problems SUSY purports to solve. Any sighting of something that looks like a neutralino would be very big news indeed. At the very least it would be the best sighting yet of a dark-matter particle. Even better, it would tell us that nature is fundamentally supersymmetric. this info came from the SUSY link in the previous post... |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
The Benefit of Discovering the Higg's Boson
(Message 21708)
Posted 3 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: What LHC is looking for is not only the Higgs boson but a far more important aim: supersymmetry, nicknamed SUSY. "SUSY or Supersymmetry"? Please elaborate. I'm just trying to better my understanding about these things and I love how you explain things, Tullio! |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
The Benefit of Discovering the Higg's Boson
(Message 21705)
Posted 2 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: "If" we do nothing to improve ourselves and pursue truth, then the greatest mystery will be, "why could'nt we have done something to help our children survive?" Even "If" the Higgs boson isn't found, we will at least be able to stand proud for doing the best we could. "To die without having tried is the worst outcome." Thankyou Sid... |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Why is Core "0" hotter on a 64bit system?
(Message 21704)
Posted 2 Dec 2009 by Nagilum Post: Just installed q9650 cpu, but notice while using even a q6600 cpu that in both cases core "0" is about 6c hotter than other cores while using Win 7 64bit. Does anybody know why that happens? On a 32bit system Quad CPU's seem to be more equal. |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 21687)
Posted 27 Nov 2009 by Nagilum Post: "Hubris" A facinating choice of words here. Hubris (/hjuËbrɪs/) (ancient Greek ὕβÏις) is a term used in modern English to indicate overweening pride, haughtiness, or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution or Nemesis. It's quite possible that this is a correct discription, what with all of the display of ignorant protest by the unintelligent people led astray by sci-fi dreamers like "Walter Wagner" , while we the people with true intent on helping this project are disallowed participation due to fears of disambiguation and explotation of classified information. However I still believe in people like "bigmac" who I think believes in us too. After all we are just voluntering our energy, time, and CPU power, to help science progress. |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
The Benefit of Discovering the Higg's Boson
(Message 21672)
Posted 24 Nov 2009 by Nagilum Post: I have a bridge you might wanna take a look at. It's cheap too. "An Einstein Podalsky Rosen Bridge?" Excellent! I've been looking for one of those since college. I'll take it! |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate
(Message 21668)
Posted 23 Nov 2009 by Nagilum Post: "The grass is always greener on the other side." It's my hopes and prayers that these Terrorist Factions, Mafia, 'Ndrangheta and Camorra, leave the peaceful and kind people that do live in Italy, and become understanding of the true nature of PEACE. I can only ask for the Minstering of Angels at this time to protect you and the many others wanting peace, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 21667)
Posted 23 Nov 2009 by Nagilum Post: Didn't it circulate for several minutes? That's a lot more than 2 times o-o Beam 2 did the same, too. According to CERN the beam testing referred to here lasted 1/40,000,000 of a sec. As best I can tell with my math that's about 2 (27 Km) turns at near 97% the speed of light. Some people might call that a waste of energy and time but I believe it's better to be safe. We don't want to spend another year waiting for repairs to finish. Even though we haven't received work through LHC@home the news on this blog is very exciting to monitor, and this seems to be the best place to hear the newest developments. Thanks to bigmac! |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
The Benefit of Discovering the Higg's Boson
(Message 21665)
Posted 22 Nov 2009 by Nagilum Post: We always talk about "going green" to save our planet. At the rate our countries are producing waste our world will be doomed in a few centuries to it's own toxins that we, as a growing population, are leaving for our children to deal with. The greatest discovery of the LHC will be how matter is formed from energy. This knowledge may possibly allow us to convert waste of every kind into pure energy and then reconstituted back into useful matter. Einstein's matter to energy formula works in both directions. No more waste and plenty of food for everyone is a reality that can only be discovered by continuing the LHC experiments. Much of our current medical imaging devices were built on technologies that have been discovered by smaller atom smashers from years ago. The LHC can help us save the planet from us, the inhabitants. |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
Walter Wagner
(Message 21664)
Posted 22 Nov 2009 by Nagilum Post: While browsing the internet for Walter L. Wagner, I found a humorous video interview from The Daily Show that pretty much portrays him as "A Doomsday Idiot". He really should try studying Physics beyond what we learned in Chemistry 101. The first guy in the interview is Dr. John Ellis,a real Physicist that knows his stuff, but when Walter Wagner is interviewed he can't produce a single scientific fact. |
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