1) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Wrong Factor sent by Project Server (Message 42038)
Posted 4 Apr 2020 by Werkstatt
Can someone please explain why a wu is using only 0.309 CPU's? This is usually the case with GPU-wu's, but nothing hints to that.
I have no VM installed.

It's thix PC: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/show_host_detail.php?hostid=10511049
or in short: AMD Ryzen win10 AMD and Nvidia Graphics cards.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : most of my wu's fail (Message 27893)
Posted 21 Nov 2016 by Werkstatt
THX for the infos.
Updated VB on one machine, got a valid result after that.
The other has an older version of VB installed, will update this one later this week.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : most of my wu's fail (Message 27883)
Posted 19 Nov 2016 by Werkstatt
set to nnw for the time th error is there
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Status and Plans 25th May, 2013. (Message 25657)
Posted 21 Jun 2013 by Werkstatt
as I understand we can expect an app for android in the (near) future?
Since yesterday the official berkeley boinc client for android is available via

Would be nice to see this project there!
5) Message boards : News : Very long jobs (Message 24831)
Posted 13 Sep 2012 by Werkstatt
what could be done is:
give the volunteers the choice to select which apps should be cruched. Seti does that and it works fine
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Long delays in jobs (Message 23436)
Posted 10 Oct 2011 by Werkstatt
It is easier to wait and see if I get work. I can't abort all tasks as some would be on my home or work systems, i can't be in two places at once. I don't have remote access to all hosts.

See here

I got another task previously sent 4 times and it is alrady 6 days old before getting to me. 2 aborted, 2 inconclusive, the second person had it 5 days before returning. My try at it has a deadline at 3.5 days, this is an accelerated retry as the current setting is to multiply deadline by 0.5 (7*0.5=3.5)

This one happens to be at work, i'm at home. I will at some point abort one to see if the next try get accelerated more. I think this one will be half done before i get to work.


Being that some of these started on the 4th, the first 7 day deadline is tomorrow. Altough this could drag on some as any resends before yesterday would be at the old deadline with stilll 7 days. Let's watch the number outstanding now dropping just under 9,000, it should begin to drop rapidly as results wrap up and any resends get accelerated status. This batch will give mixed results. We need to get them all done, then watch clsoely the next batch of work from once it starts to see what happens.

I have one wu on my Intel ATOM, that will be finished in 28 hours.
Is there a way to transfer that to a faster CPU or will it help the project if I kill the wu?
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux vs. Windows app (Message 23367)
Posted 5 Oct 2011 by Werkstatt
I have triet out different projects with Linux (Kubuntu) and Windows (7 x64). The only project I found running tasks quicker on Linux was DNA@Home ( Linux is here more than twice as fast ). Maybe its a basic problem with the compilers? Or more likely with the libraries?

64-bit kubuntu? I haven't really seen (or noticed) that with 64-bit Gentoo. Of course, I build everything with every feature each of my CPU's support. That probably won't affect the speed of a static app, though.

Waiting on my Windows wing men to get a quasi-comparison.

No, Kubuntu is 32bit, Win is 64.
I have tried Einstein, Spinhendge, DNA and two or three more. I returned to win, its ~20% faster on most projects.
It's an AMD Phenom X4 overclocked @3.7GHz
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Linux vs. Windows app (Message 23359)
Posted 5 Oct 2011 by Werkstatt
I have triet out different projects with Linux (Kubuntu) and Windows (7 x64). The only project I found running tasks quicker on Linux was DNA@Home ( Linux is here more than twice as fast ). Maybe its a basic problem with the compilers? Or more likely with the libraries?

9) Message boards : Number crunching : pending credit (Message 22490)
Posted 18 Aug 2010 by Werkstatt
I remember doing the same calculation on a BULL/MIPS minicomputer and a SUN workstation and the results were often different, especially when the program looped a great deal.

Hi Tullio,
very intresting!
Simplified that means, that 2*2 is not exact 4 but is expected to be within 3.99 and 4.01.
I always thought, the princip of cruching every wu twice is to filter out selfwritten apps, producing wrong results, but that much faster. That happened at Milkyway a couple of months ago.

10) Message boards : Number crunching : pending credit (Message 22457)
Posted 10 Aug 2010 by Werkstatt
Well, pending credits while waiting for your wingman is one thing. It is normal behaviour.
But if you take a look at these wu\'s [link]http://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/workunit.php?wuid=3736192[\\link]
or [link]http://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/workunit.php?wuid=3959526[\\link]
you will find that two wu\'s where in the field and both returned and are marked as valid but not granted. This is the source of the critical words.
As I tried to explain, we are participating in science, not in a game. And science comes along with some attributes. It is not the amount of credit (i.e. I have 30k credits pending in Seti and 1,355.54 in Einstein, ~19k in Collatz aso), the fact is, that ~10% of the credit is not granted.
I\'m not angry, I will continue to crunch LHC, but correctness is somthing like a signboard for a project.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : pending credit (Message 22453)
Posted 8 Aug 2010 by Werkstatt

you really want all those 0 credits awarded
wow. you gained 0 credits
that will boost your total

I\'m not shure where you found the 0 credits, but I have a wu pending thats 409 credits worth.
Anyway, science has to do with
- care
- accuracy
- honesty
- finishing of work
I can live without these credits, but it\'s a bit strange, that one of the most impressive projects on earth is not able to do what so many other projects can do.

12) Message boards : Number crunching : pending credit (Message 22347)
Posted 23 May 2010 by Werkstatt

It has no sense whatsoever to post all your pending results. It is a known issue, that has a verrry low priority for ages now.

Problems are there to be solved, not discussed.
Kick the validator or do something else, it leaves a bad feeling, that our efford in crunching is not granted.

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